Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Paradigm shift

Things are changing again here.  Mostly my point of view is changing and DAMN! Does it feel good!!!  I spent 3 days at a seminar, which could be described better as an experiential learning weekend.  My husband went as well.  Now, that might seem like a logical thing for a husband and wife to go learn together, especially when it’s learning how to break through the road blocks we set up for ourselves as we travelled through our lives.  But, I’m fairly sure he just thinks I’m a tad whacky and he wanted to make sure he knew what he was in for when I got home.  Now he’s pretty sure I’m just nuts and he’s refused to go back to the second part of the seminar.  Oh well.  He’s not ready but I am…we’ll see what that means to our relationship when we get there.

Ok, I have a meeting to get out of here for…I’ll catch up and blab more when I return.

See ya!!!


Friday, June 06, 2008

I’m not going to get to watch the Belmont!!!!

I’m sure as hell going to try to find a TV I can commandeer, but I have decided to go to a seminar this weekend and I have no idea what the schedule is.  The race is at 6:25pm, so if I plot this right I can find a bar or an electronics store…ooooo…wow, what a thought.  Watching Big Brown canter his way into history on 25 tv’s at once!  The thought gives me goosebumps.  I’ll settle for any tv though.

I’m going to be in the middle of horse country, in Ocala, so the odds of finding a tv with the race on are good.  Real fucking good actually.

You know, last time I was in Ocala (aside from driving through to get to Jacksonville or Gainesville) was when we were looking at the town to find a realtor…and about 5 minutes after driving into Ocala, I got a phone call from my mom telling me Seattle Slew had died.  I can’t pass the Dunkin Donuts I was pulling into at the time without remembering that day in vivid detail.  If Big Brown wins Saturday, I’m driving across town to the Dunkin Donuts and buying a coffee on a day that can at least even out the memories there.  It might take more than Big Brown winning the Triple Crown to even out that day (it’s also when hubby got away with never even looking at Ocala because I was so distracted by Seattle Slew dying - by the time I really started focussing again we were half way to Punta Gorda)
I actually had something else to say and now I can’t remember.  I hate that.  Um…horses, ocala, horses, belmont, horses…oh, wait, it might have something to do with horses…LOL

actually there are two things.

one, I’m so excited about the idea of Big Brown winning that I actually get all teary.  Why is that?  I have nothing to do with the Big Brown camp.  I don’t even have anything to do with the horse racing world right now.  I’ve never met Big Brown.  So why does it just make me feel like I’d be so happy I’d burst into tears?  I might as well just accept it and warn anyone who happens to be near me when that bell rings…

and the other thing, I’m going to a seminar that is very likely going to change my outlook on life.  and….hubby has agreed to go with me!  He’s actually going for three days of retraining the way you look at things.  Today he started to panic and got all bent out of shape and told me that he better not have to do anything embarrassing.  And I was totally freaked, like…I’m going to be so preoccupied with whether he’s mad at me for them making him do something that I won’t get what I’m supposed to out of this.  But then mom had to be all rational and say THAT was what I was going to do this for. 

I’m going to change the way I react to life as it happens around me.  And he is going to do the same thing.  If he doesn’t get anything good out of this, that is HIS problem, not  mine.  I’m there to learn as much as possible.  And dammit, I’m gonna freaking do it!

I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon so if you don’t see me til Monday, you know why.

Happy Belmont Day to all….have a great weekend!!


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I can’t be the only one who noticed that there is more than two political parties..

I keep seeing people commenting on voting for someone because they don’t want the other, or voting for someone just because they are “their party” but that they still don’t like that person.

In case you weren’t aware…there are more than two parties.

AND in case you feel like using this excuse, keep it to yourself please….voting for one of the minor parties does not help the lesser of two evils win an election.  Voting for one of the lesser parties takes balls…and frankly most people just don’t have those when it comes to voting.  So what if you don’t think that the party has a chance to win.  What are you doing?  Voting for how you want your country run or voting so you can be on the “winning side”??  Vote your conscious people, things will turn around faster than you think if everyone does that.

Do you know that some people don’t even know what they are voting for!  I see a lot of political comments, hear people defending their political choices, and I just wonder…did these people learn politics from the Clintons?  Nothing makes sense.  It’s just blah, blah, blah…it means nothing and goes nowhere.  Hell, I hear people talking about how the candidates promise to do things that they won’t have the authority to change nor are they likely to even influence those who can change it.  I find it disturbing that people think the president is like the boss of a family business…the ultimate authority on everything.

My opinion is that the country is a big freaking mess because people don’t do their part.  People don’t take responsibility for their actions.  They don’t even take action.  They usually prefer to sit around and complain about it.   IF you asked your neighbor, who might be complaining about one issue or another, what they have done to change it…chances are they’d stare at you like you were an idiot, OR they’d start ranting about how it can’t be changed because government can’t be fought, it’s too big, etc. etc.  People have no idea that there are ways to participate in our government!  Hell, there are ways to keep an eye on what is going on and voice your opinion right from your home computer! You can influence government in your jammies!!  If you think you can’t, then you are part of the problem.

Anyway, I seem to have gotten off the point.  The point of this post was to point out that there are multiple parties.  Stop voting for the ones with the most money, start voting for the ones who reflect the ideals that you want instilled in our country.  This is the only way to have our government reflect the wishes of our people.  Voting for the Republicans or Democrats (if you aren’t really committed to their cause) is like voting on which schoolyard bully you’d prefer to have beating up on you.  The most obvious solution to the problem is to vote for someone else that really works for you.

Make our founding fathers proud and vote for what you stand for!

Not sure what you really should be voting?  Try this quiz today:  The Worlds Smallest Political Quiz